Saturday, December 5, 2020

Time to order seeds for your 2021 edible garden


Saturday, December 5, 2020

It is that time of year as winter is setting in and the dreary days seem endless; the time to dream of warm weather, spring breezes, and green things sprouting once again.  Can't you almost smell the fresh cut grass and turned earth?  

Every gardener looks forward to the new year’s bounty of seed catalogs.  You can spend long hours browsing the possibilities for the coming season, imagining what you want to plant where.  What looks interesting to try this year, to reminisce on what worked well last year.

I would be ordering early this year.  I normally order in January, but with the burgeoning interest in edible gardening this past year, you need to order now to be sure to get that special or rare variety you've had your eye on.  I ordered last week end and even then some of the varieties I wanted to get are already sold out.  

Don't worry, there are plenty of seeds out there for any type of crop you want.  It's only the ones that are rare that sell out this early.  In the spring, all the seed companies had shortages.
Every fall, I did as I always do, make myself a list of what I want to grow the following spring and summer.  Reflecting back on the 2020 edible garden; planning for 2021   If I could only just stick to it!  There are just so many that look interesting to try.

The definitions used in seed catalogs can be a little confusing.  Organic means the plant it was taken from was grown using only natural inputs and is certified to be organically grown.  Hybrid is a plant that has been bred to have characteristics that are helpful like being resistant to different diseases.  These are not ones you want to grow if you want to save seed because the plants grown from the seed saved from it will not grow up like the mother plant.  OP means open pollinated.  Organic and OP are types you want to buy if you think you may want to save the seed to use next season.  Heirlooms are plants that have been in a family for generations.  They are all OP.  They may or may not also have been grown organically.  What do the terms GMO, natural, heirloom, organic, hybrid really mean?
Vintage WW2 poster
For seed catalogues, the best to order from are those that do their trials in your region of the country.  The seeds and plants they carry are the ones that have performed the best for them in their trial gardens.  Two of my favorites to order from are Baker Creek Heirloom Baker Creek Heirloom and Territorial Seed Company Territorial Seed.  I love Baker Creek because they specialize heirlooms and rare seeds from around the world.  It is just fun!  Territorial Seeds has a good summary in each section of growing tips.  

Catalogs I love are the ones with the links are on the right.  I have ordered from them all and been happy with their selection and how well the plants did.  They are all reputable seed companies that have a good selection of organic and heirlooms.

If you are a beginner, start with the a kitchen herb garden Start a kitchen herb garden! and a tomato plant or two Tomatoes 101, everything you need to know to grow great tomatoes.  

The biggest mistake new gardeners make is starting with too much and it becomes overwhelming instead of relaxing and fun.  If you have a small space or just want a small garden, here are some tips  How to decide what to plant for small spaces?    What to plant for your first garden

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