Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Compact tomato plants for small spaces

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tomatoes are the favorite vegetable to grow in the US.  There is nothing like a fresh off the vine tomato!  Luckily, if you have not grown your own, you can stop by your local farmers market and pick up a fresh tomato.

If you do not have much space, but would still love to grow your own, here is the list of compact tomatoes you can grow in a small space or in a big pot.

Balcony, Black Pearl, BushSteak, Bush Early Girl, Early Girl Hybrid, Italian Ice, Honeybunch, Sweetheart of the Patio, Patio Princess, Tumbling Tom, Cherry Punch, Cherry Cascade, Elfin, Micro-Tom, Patio-F, Red Robin, Sprite, Tiny Tim, Tumbling Tiger, Cordova, Nova, Lizzano.

Look for descriptions like "bush", "compact", "patio", "container" in the description on the seed packet or tags of transplants.  There are new varieties that come out every year.  Burpee also has a little picture on their seed packet of a clay pot with a checkmark in it to denote that this variety can be grown in a pot.

When you plant, plant deeply, be sure to add compost, a complete fertilizer and bone meal (combats blossom end rot).  If growing in a pot, you will have to water more often than in the garden.  I love the self watering pots that have a built in reservoir in the bottom, lengthening time between waterings.

For more detailed information on growing tomatoes, see my previous blog:  
Tomatoes 101, everything you need to know to grow great tomatoes

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