Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Everything you need to know to grow corn


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Scientists believe corn was developed about 10,000 years ago in central Mexico.  It was called maize and still is today.  Maize spread throughout the Americas 2500 years ago.  Native Americans were growing maize well before European colonists arrived.  Original plants produced one small seed head per plant.  By the time European immigrants arrived, maize had the larger ears we are familiar with today and many varieties and colors.

There are about 3 different of edible corn-sweet corn, ornamental Indian corn that can be used ornamentally, as popcorn or ground into corn flour, and dent corn which is used to feed animals and make the corn meal you get in grocery stores.  Corn plants grow to 6-7 feet tall and produce 2 ears per plant in 10-12 weeks.  There are dwarf varieties available, too, that only grow about 3 feet tall.  

Corn is considered a warm season crop and are sown by seed in mid spring.  Plant 2-3 weeks apart and you can get a harvest from midsummer to early fall.  They are heavy feeders.  Enrich the soil with several inches of aged compost or other organic matter prior to planting.  

Corn cross pollinates with other corn varieties so planting one type is best or separate different varieties by 250 feet.  Otherwise, you will get corn heads that are a combo of the parents.  Plant in soil that is fertile and at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1-2" deep, in full sun.  Fertilize at planting, at 8" tall and again when the plants are 18" tall.  Provide even moisture.  Since corn grows so tall, it needs lots of nutrition and moisture.

Since corn is wind pollinated, you need at least 9 plants to get a decent pollination rate; 18 is even better.  If you don't have good pollination, you will have "missing" kernels on your ear of corn.

Days to harvest varies by cultivars.  For sweet corn, it can be as quick as 62 days to as long as 105 days.  For popping and flour corn, it is between 75 to 120 days.

Harvest sweet corn the ears when the silks turn brown and dries up.  A kernel should spurt milky juice when ripe.  If not eating immediately, store in the refrigerator with the husks intact.  Sweet corn starts turning its sugars to starch the moment it is picked.  The sweetest corn is the one that is picked and thrown directly into the pot for cooking!  

For popcorn and dent corn, harvest after the stalks turn brown.  Pull husks down or off and hang dry until completely dry.

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