Monday, August 15, 2022

Quick tip-make your own hot sauce

Monday, August 15, 2022

Hot sauce is super easy and fast to make with your extra peppers!  All you need is hot peppers, vinegar and a glass jar.

I try to preserve all the extras from my small edible garden.  Peppers are easy to freeze or pickle.  I just slice and put in freezer bags any extras.  They keep well for at least a year.  As the new harvest starts coming in, it is time to thin out last year's crop from the freezer.

I take all the hot peppers from the freezer and let them thaw.  I then put them in a quart jar,  cover with organic apple cider vinegar and store in the refrigerator.  After a few weeks, I pour the contents into a food processor and process it until smooth.  I put back into the jar to use as hot sauce, keeping it in the frig.  Works great!

To make shelf stable hot sauce, process peppers, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 cup of vinegar, then simmer for 5 minutes on the stove.  Pour back into a hot quart jar and place in water bath.  Process for 10 minutes.  Like other pickles, store in frig after opening.  For more details,  Ball pickled pepper recipe  

You can use the same recipe for fresh peppers, too.

It is now football season.  It's a great time to make wings!  If you want to make your own wing sauce with your homegrown pickled peppers, here is the recipe Homemade wings sauce  
Potted pepper and petunia
I grow my peppers in pots.  I have tried them both in the ground and pots.  They just seem to do better in pots.  The other advantage is that I can easily overwinter the best performers in our unheated garage so they get a jump start on production next spring.  Peppers are for every taste and garden

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