Sunday, March 22, 2020

What we are harvesting and starting in the late March garden

Seeds sprouting

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Our spring has been seesawing in temperatures.  Daffocils, crocus, Bradford pear trees, forsythias, dandelions, and hyacinths are all blooming.  We have not had much sun this month so growth in the garden has been slow.  What is up and ready to eat are the greens, some herbs, and onions. 

Right now, the French and Blood veined sorrel up and ready to harvest, garlic chives are up, celery is going strong, onions are already bigger than green onion size, cress is a good size, lettuce and kale have leaves large enough to cut, there are overwintered baby carrots and dandelion greens.  The spinach that I bought as transplants have leaves to harvest.

Other herbs that are greening out-thyme, parsley, oregano, mint, tarragon.
I started seeds outdoors in pots over the last couple of weeks-spinach, chervil, lettuce, snow peas, Icicle radishes, Ruby Streaks mustard and Chiogga beets.  I started the lettuce and spinach in shallow pots that I can dig and move them to other spots after they have sprouted and are sturdy.  They are all cool weather lovers so will germinate in these chilly days.

I started seeds indoors as well.  Most are the summer crops that won't germinate in this cold weather.  I will also start indoors in my Aerogarden or in a peat pellet cool season crops that I am only growing one or two of.

Warm season crops seeded:
Alpine Strawberries-Mignonette and Regina
Cucumbers-Miniature White, Bush Champion, Spacemaster
Eggplant-Casper, Amadeo, Italian Pink Bicolor
Flowers-Marigolds to border the garden
Greens-Chinese cabbage Hilton, Variegated plantain, New Zealand spinach, Swiss Chard Verde De Taglio and Fordhook Giant
Herbs-rosemary, basil, lavender, oregano, marjoram, thyme, Florence and ZefaFino fennel, German chamomile, stevia, Wild Basil, White Sage, borage
Okra-Baby Bubba (dwarf)
Peppers-Tangerine Dream, chocolate red pepper from saved seed, Jalapeño, Long Thin Cayenne
Summer squash-Zucchini Bush, Early Prolific
Tomatoes (Dwarfs-Front Runner Hybrid, Roma, Bush Steak Hybrid, Patio Princess Hybrid, Little Napoli.  Full size-Cherokee Purple, big and small chocolate tomato from saved seed, Italian Heirloom Red Pear, Black Krim, Red Gezahnte, Chocolate Pear)
Watermelon-Bush Sugar Baby (dwarf)

Cool season crops seeded indoors:
Onions-Flat of Italy.  A red onion heirloom.
Cilantro-regular and SloBolt
Greens-Tyfon, Corn Salad, Tuscan Kale, Black Magic Kale, Dragon's Tail Radish, American Winter Variegated Cress
Asparagus-Mary Washington
Broccoli-Raab and Sprouting
Celery-Utah Improved

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