Sunday, April 16, 2017

Another spring veggie-kohlrabi

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Kohlrabi is one of the oldest member of the cabbage family.  Its wild ancestor was originally found in Britain and Europe.  Kohlrabi was present in colonial America.  It is a perennial.

Both the leaves and root is edible and healthy.  Kohlrabi has fiber, carotenes, vitamins C,  A, K, B vitamins niacin, B6, thiamin, pantothenic acid, phytochemicals, and minerals manganese, copper, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorous.  One serving has a full day's vitamin C!  Kohlrabi nutrition

Kohlrabi is sown at the same time as cabbages, when the crocus bloom in the spring and when phlox blooms in the fall.  You can also start indoors 5-7 weeks prior to your last frost date (first of March in our Zone 6 garden) and transplant outdoors 2-3 weeks prior to last frost date (end of March in our Zone 6).  Plant every 3 weeks to extend the harvest until the warm weather begins and cold weather begins in the fall.

Kohlrabi should be planted 1’ apart from each other in well composted soil and kept adequately watered.  It is ready to harvest in 6 weeks and should be harvested when no bigger than 2” in diameter for sweetest flavor.

Kohlrabi must pass through a winter to flower if you are interested in saving the seed.   Kohlrabi will overwinter in the garden in Zone 6 and warmer.  Apply mulch for added protection against an unusually hard winter.  If in colder zones, you can dig and place in damp sand in a cool location for the winter and replant in the spring.  Do so before hard freezes.

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