Saturday, March 16, 2024

Quick Tip 15-sharpen tools, buy needed tools

 Saturday, March 16, 2024

Winter can be a downer time of year for those of us that love to garden, but it doesn't have to be!  There are many "gardener" things you can do during the cold months of the year.  I'm going to share an idea each week for the rest of the winter on gardening activities that help satisfy the itch and prepare us better for the upcoming spring season.  Here we go with Winter Quick Tip 14-sharpen tools, buy needed tools 


Last week you organized your gardening supplies and tools.  You now have all your tools together in an easy to find and see location.  This week take a close look at the tools you have and their condition.  Repair, clean, sharpen, remove rust, and protect the tools that need it.  Sharpening shears, cutters, and hoes can make tasks much easier when you need to use them.  Protect them with a food grade oil against future rust.  Any vegetable or plant oil falls into this category like jojoba oil or linseed oil.

Take a look at your tools to see if any need to be replaced.  Options to replace are to ask friends if they have any extras and do an exchange, around here Facebook Marketplace is used a lot, eBay is another option, and there are other sites for purchasing used tools.  Of course, the seed catalogs that we get have lots of tools that may address an unmet need for maintaining the garden.

With all the tools you need in good working order, you are ready to start gardening!

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