Sunday, July 18, 2021

Have garlic any time you need it, just pickle some!

Homemade pickled garlic
Sunday, July 18, 2021

If you had a bumper crop of garlic or just want to have garlic cloves on hand all the time, it is super easy and inexpensive to simply pickle garlic cloves.  All you need to buy is apple cider vinegar.  Or you can make your own.......

I first learned about pickled garlic when I went to a general store in Albany, Georgia.  They had many local canned items in Mason jars for sale.  I saw the jarred garlic and bought it.  They had added some spicy peppers in the jar which gave it a kick.  I loved it!  It has become my favorite way of preserving my garlic harvest.

How to pickle garlic
  1.  Get quart canning jars.  I use Tattler or glass lids.  The vinegar eats at metal lids.  Easy, low tox canning of summer's bounty
2.  Either make or purchase raw apple cider vinegar.  Any neutral tasting vinegar will work.  I just like the nutritional benefit of raw vinegar.  Make your own apple cider vinegar
3.  If using your own garlic or purchasing whole cloves, separate the cloves and remove the "skin".  You can also buy separated cloves, sans skins in many grocery stores that you can use.
4.  Slice 2 or 3 hot peppers and place in the jar, if you like your garlic a kick.
5.  Fill the rest of the jar with garlic cloves to an inch or so below the mouth of the jar.
6.  Fill the jar with vinegar.
7.  Put the jar in the frig.
8.  Use cloves any time a recipe calls for it!

When picking garlic to plant, I look for types that have large cloves and say "easy to peel" in the description.  Then I save the biggest and easiest to peel cloves from each harvest to save for planting my next crop.  I plant in October or early November for our Zone 7.
Time to plant garlic! With growing tips......

1 comment:

  1. Hello Melodie, I saw your post title while I was visiting Annie's blog and I was very interested in your way of preserving garlic. Thank you! I make my own garlic oil but that only uses a few. Your method makes sense and is something I shall definitely do... Hubby has lots growing at the moment. Cheerio and thanks very much :D)
